Drakesville City Council Meeting
December 3rd, 2018 7:30 PM
Regular City Council meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM on December 3rd, 2018. Council persons present were Sharon Sines, Chris Day, Karen Rudd, Terry Bradley and Mayor Robert Sampson. Absent was council person Sharon Roland. Guests present were Rock Johnson, Fire Chief and Joe King, Park Board and student Noah Day.
Minutes of the November 12th, 2018 council meeting were read by Karen Rudd with a motion by Sharon Sines to accept the minutes, 2nd by Chris Day, motion carried.
Park Board minutes were read by Karen Rudd, Terry Bradley moved the minutes be accepted, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried. Mayor Robert Sampson reported the hydrant at the Shelter House had been removed, the concrete around the well will be moved and the well filled with bentonite. They are waiting for paperwork from ADLM to proceed. The well is 40 ft deep. Following a lengthy discussion on being unable to find Drakesville residents to serve on the Park Board and the possibility of amending the Park Board By Laws to allow volunteers living outside the city limits to serve on the Park Board, a motion was made by Terry Bradley to table this item until the next meeting, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried. The Shelter House rental agreement was tabled also. Setting up a new phone number to persons to call to rent the Shelter House at City Park. Mayor Robert Sampson will contact Cmtel regarding the cost to set up a local phone # that can be transferred to other phones so no calls will be missed.
Financial Report was presented to the council, Sharon Sines moved to accept the report, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
Fire Chief Rock Johnson reported on the ICAP Insurance, Review
- Stove is not to be used unless the door is open due to vent issues.
2. Need a fire extinguisher at every door
3. GSI fixed 4. Handrail over attic The ¾ inch water line is leaking again, need to run electrical wire another 10 feet so they can reach the outlet for the furnace. The new flags and new rope is here but not installed, heater needs an exhaust tee
Road Report – Mayor Robert Sampson reported work on city streets will begin in the spring; he placed barricades on N Polk St. north of the Mike Davis residence and at the green building in the park due to heavy equipment damaging the street surface.
Committee Report – Sharon Sines updated the Mayor that Waste Management has some changes coming but no information is available yet on the changes.
E-911 has cancelled November and December meetings, next scheduled meeting is January 2019.
A letter was received from Bob and Mary Kay Stephenson in response to a request by the council for repairs to the roof of the former Turner Hardware building. The Stephenson’s plan to repair this as soon as the weather and time permits. The Stephenson’s requested that snow not be pushed up against their building.
A motion to adjourn was made by Sharon Sines, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
Next meeting January 10th, 2019 at 7:30 PM.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Mayor Robert Sampson Karen Rudd, Councilman