City of Drakesville
Regular Council Meeting
February 4th, 2019 7:30 PM
Regular council meeting was called to order 7:36 PM February 4th, 2019 by Mayor Pro-Tem Karen Rudd; Council persons present were Sharon Sines, Terry Bradley and Karen Rudd, council person absent Sharon Roland, Chris Day and Mayor Robert Sampson. Guest present was Brian Thomas.
Minutes of the January 10th, 2019 council meeting were read by City Clerk Susan Hopkins, Terry Bradley moved the minutes be accepted, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried.
No member of the Park Board was present, Terry Bradley moved that the ordinance pertaining to the Drakesville City Park Board be changed to allow residents of Drakesville, Marion, Fox River and Soap Creek townships be allowed to run and be elected to the Park Board, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried, will have city attorney change wording to be read at next council meeting. Council was advised that OSSR president had advised the new outhouse would be the responsibility of the OSSR they would maintain it and carry insurance on it, no further action taken.
Financial report was presented to the council, Sharon Sines moved the report be accepted, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
2019-2020 budgets were presented to the council,
Fire Dept requested $17,730.00 same as last year, Terry Bradley moved to approve this amount, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried.
Park Board requested $14,300.00, Terry Bradley moved to approve this amount, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried.
Street Dept requested $18370.00, Sharon Sines moved to approve $18270.00 for Street Dept, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
Culture/Recreation requested $3000.00, council approved $2700.00
Public Works requested $12,900.00, council approved
City Government requested $19,000.00, council approved
Terry Bradley moved that the 2019-2020 Budgets to accepted by Resolution #147, 2nd by Sharon Sines. Council persons, Sharon Sines, yes, Terry Bradley, yes, Karen Rudd, yes, motion carried Resolution #147 approved.
Brian Thomas gave Fire Dept report, advising they had responded to one call in the last month which was a car accident. The generator was still not hooked up they were waiting for State permits.
After a short discussion about Road Dept was decided to sell the dump truck/snow plow by sealed bids starting at $1500.00. Also after checking with different departments scarifying the city streets was not a good idea and would cause more problems then there are already.
Web site flyer presented last month was reviewed; Karen Rudd moved the flyer to approved, 2nd by Sharon Sines.
Changing the monthly council meeting to the 1st Thursday of each month was discussed, Terry Bradley moved the meeting be permanently changed to the first Thursday of each month, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried.
Sharon Sines moved the meeting be adjourned, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM. Next Council meeting will be Thursday March 7th, 2019 7:30 PM
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Mayor Pro-Tem Karen Rudd City Clerk Susan Hopkins