City of Drakesville
Regular Council Meeting
March 7th, 2019 7:30 PM
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7:50 PM by Mayor Pro Tem Karen Rudd, council persons present were Sharon Sines, Chris Day, Terry Bradley and Karen Rudd. Absent was council person Sharon Roland and Mayor Robert Sampson. No guests were present.
Minutes of the Feb 4th, 2019 council meeting were read by City Clerk Susan Hopkins, Chris Day moved to accept the minutes, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
Minutes of the March 5th, 2019 Park Board meeting were read by Clerk Susan Hopkins, Chris Day moved to accept the minutes, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried. Council did not have the new ordinance pertaining to the park board to read, tabled until next meeting. It was unknown if a cell phone had been purchased for park rental’s, tabled until next meeting. Both volunteers for the park board would rather volunteer and not be sworn onto the board. After a short discussion council approved this as long as volunteer hours were kept track of.
Financial report was presented to the council, Sharon Sines moved to approve this report, 2nd by Chris Day, motion carried.
2019-2020 Budget report was presented to the council; Sharon Sines moved the report be approved by Resolution #148, 2nd by Terry Bradley. Council person Sharon Sines, yes, Chris Day, yes, Terry Bradley, yes, Karen Rudd, yes. Motion carried.
Employee Handbook was tabled until next month.
Response from VMI insurance was given to the council, raising the insured value of some of the city building’s would raise our insurance premium by $525.00, council approved this cost and after a short discussion requested City Clerk check other Insurance companies for possibly a cheaper insurance.
Sharon Sines moved the meeting be adjourned, 2nd by Terry Bradley, meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM. Next meeting April 4th, 2019 7:30 PM at City Hall
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Mayor Pro Tem Karen Rudd City Clerk Susan Hopkins