APRIL 4TH, 2019 7:30 PM
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM April 4th, 2019 council person’s present were Sharon Sines, Karen Rudd, Terry Bradley and Mayor Robert Sampson, absent was council person Sharon Roland and Chris Day. Guest present was Joe King, Park Board.
Minutes of the March 7th, 2019 council meeting were read by City Clerk Susan Hopkins, Sharon Sines moved to approve these minutes, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
Minutes of the April 2nd , 2019 Park Board minutes were read by City Clerk Susan Hopkins, Sharon Sines moved to approve these minutes, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried. City Clerk advised there was one mowing bid turned in, after a short discussion council requested City Clerk place ad in paper requesting more bids. City Clerk reported the City Attorney did not have ordinance ready for the change in Park Board will try to have it for the May meeting. Mayor Sampson advised that Mr. Vanderhoof approached him about volunteering to assist at the Park; he will call on him to help with Mustang Pride Day. New playground equipment was discussed, Terry Bradley advised he has experience installing several playgrounds, his experience will be used when weather permits working on the new playground.
Financial report was presented to the council, Sharon Sines moved to approve the report, 2nd by Karen Rudd, motion carried.
Fire Dept report, Rock Johnson was called away but left notes advising he had talked to Huggins Electric and generator would be hooked up next week, also that the Firemen have a work day planned, ESA had money left over and purchased 2 portable radio’s for them, they still need 2 truck Radio’s and he will be purchasing them before the end of the fiscal year.
Mayor Robert Sampson gave road report, advising they will be needing a lot of gravel, he had done some research and a lot of counties north of us were using river rock and not road rock because of the dust, after a discussion of the pro’s and con’s of both it was decided road rock would be better. Polk St north of the Davis Property is in very bad shape, barricades were placed there to keep traffic from using it thru the winter but barricades were moved and traffic used it anyway or drove in the grass to go around them, council discussed closing the road after the Davis property or putting weight limit signs up or signs stating no Though Traffic, Mayor Sampson will check into purchasing signs. Terry Bradley moved road dept purchase gravel and cold patch as needed, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried. No bids were received on the dump truck.
Sharon Sines reported she had attended a Waste Management meeting they may be having another Hazardous Material Pick Up day she will keep us informed.
City Wade Yard Sale dates are May 3rd and May 4th during the Music Festival.
Building permit from Ray’s Longbranch was presented to the council, Karen Rudd moved to approve the permit, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried.
Employee Handbook was tabled for another month again because of the absence of Council Person Chris Day.
City Clerk Susan Hopkins reported she had checked into getting estimates from other companies for the city properties, ICAP requires a 60 day notice to leave them and there was not time enough to get estimates and give them notice, city will try to get this done next year.
City Clerk Susan Hopkins reported she had mailed postcards to residents about Dog and Golf cart license being due and had plans to be at City Hall April 9th, April 16th and April 23rd 6pm to 7pm to license both.
Sharon Sines moved to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM. Next council meeting will be May 2nd, 2019 7:30 PM at City Hall.
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Robert Sampson, Mayor Susan Hopkins, City Clerk