Drakesville City Council Meeting
May 9th, 2019 7:30 PM
Regular city council meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM May 9th, 2019. Council members present were Sharon Sines, Chris Day, Terry Bradley, Karen Rudd and Mayor Robert Sampson. Guests present were Rock Johnson, Fire Chief and Joe King, Park Board.
Minutes of the April 4th, 2019 council meeting were reviewed by the council. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Sharon Sines, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
Minutes of the May 9th, 2019 Park Board meeting were read by Mayor Robert Sampson. Motion to approve minutes made by Sharon Sines, 2nd by Chris Day, motion carried. The cracked water lines in both restrooms have been replaced. The water lines between the two bathrooms will be repaired this fall during slack usage. More shut off valves were installed and a valve for easy access to drain lines. Future proposed upgrades on restrooms are replacing rotted posts in front and plywood dividers that are deteriorating. Amending the Park Board Ordinance was tabled. The new Park Board phone # is 208-7945. It was decided to repaint the restrooms and ball park areas with white paint. The Mayor will continue to mow the baseball playing field.
The financial report was presented to the council. Due to the absence of Clerk Susan Hopkins, payment of the Snowman bill and payment of a bill for LED lights was tabled until the June council meeting. A motion to approve the financial report made by Chris Day, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried. The mayor will check on the use of a camper as the permanent home.
Rock Johnson Drakesville Fire Chief reported they are working on getting the generator hooked up at the Fire Station within 2 to 3 weeks, radio’s will begin being switched over to digital signals for the Departments that are equipped to receive the signal. The proper way to tie off ladders when in use at the Fire Station or on the scene of a fire was discussed.
A discussion was held on the feasibility of continuing to pay the Iowa League for Grant Finder, our City Clerk nor did the Mayor feel they had the time to keep up with all grants that could be useful to Drakesville. The council agreed to pay fees for one more year. Sharon Roland will search for grants that could benefit Drakesville. Terry Bradley made a motion to approve paying the fees for one more year, 2nd by Sharon Sines, motion carried.
Mayor Robert Sampson reported river rock has been spread on one block of Walnut Street as a trial use. The river rock was paid for by residents. The results are promising. River Rock will not work on streets that have been chip and sealed. A motion to spread river rock from N Jefferson past the shelter house at the City Park at a cost of $2000.00 was made by Chris Day, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried. The council agreed to contact Norris Asphalt Paving Co. Ottumwa and Four Seasons Burlington for estimates for asphalt on city streets. Dust Control will be applied to the streets with the heaviest traffic until the current supply on hand is exhausted. When that is gone Drakesville will no longer apply dust control to City Streets, this being done in order to better repair and maintain city streets. A letter will be sent to all residents regarding this matter and giving them an opportunity to respond. After a discussion on erecting two Deaf Child Zone road signs on Madison Street a motion was made by Sharon Sines to approve the signs, 2nd by Terry Bradley, motion carried.
A mowing bid was received from Ball Boys Mowing of $3915.00 for 29 weeks. A motion to accept the bid was made by Terry Bradley, 2nd by Chris Day, motion carried.
Sharon Sines moved to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Chris Day, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Next meeting will be June 6th, 2019 7:30 PM at City Hall.